It's been all over me, all week, the thought that Radical Grace is the distinctive of God in Jesus.
Radical Grace.
I'm reading Romans with the college peeps. It's a hard read. I'm not jewish, and don't have the objections that 1st Century Jew's did when the awesome news about Jesus made its way to their ears. But I have plenty of my own self-centered ideas.
I'm through Ch. 4, and Paul keeps circling back that it's not by works but by Radical Grace that God justifies the wicked (Romans 4:5).
We are agents of God to make men right with God. It will be done by Radical Grace, the kind of crazy love that compelled God to condemn His innocent, pure, Holy, glorious Son, Jesus, to be crushed to death to pay for my sin and yours.
That's Radical Grace.
We need to be this flavor so the people in our city can see Jesus here. When they see Him in us, they have a chance to be made alive. It's the kind of stuff that makes a city different.