If you want things to change (meaning improve, become more productive, families staying strong, young men full of hope and growth, etc.) then you are going to have to do some things differently... (FYI, this is NOT a political statement, but a cultural one). #BuildingLifestylesOfRestorationAndEngagement
God knew we we in a spot. Stuck in the destruction caused by sin, and unable to get ourselves out of it. So, in His love, He moved...
He actually moved into our neighborhood. He told us he was coming. For over a thousand years, (about 1,400 to 400 b.c.) God send messages telling us that He was sending One to rescue people from their sin. Here is what God told a guy named Isaiah about it:
John was a follower of Jesus, and here is how he put it (John 1:14, The Message):
The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.
We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son.
Merry Christmas!
P.S. There will be no weekend services for theCityChurch on Christmas Day. Some of us will be going to the Christmas gathering that another great church in our city, the Waters Edge, is holding at the Rosa Hart Theater on Friday night.
God's movements aren't random. He plans ahead. And He does so in line with His over-the-top love.
Christmas is a week away. We have 4 girls in our home (5 with the Princes-Wife!), so there is much joy all around!
Sometimes, though, Christmas hits us when there is no fun, or joy. Maybe your Christmas is just a reminder of the person who is not there. They died unexpectedly, leaving a hole in your heart. Or, your spouse just walked away...they don't want to be with you anymore. This might be the tightest Christmas you've had, financially. Of the idea of being around all the dysfunction in your family just sucks the air out of your lungs.
God is not caught off-guard by your circumstances, or mine. He is aware. He is prepared. He's not waiting for you to get your act together and make your way to Him. He knew that neither you nor I could make the trip.
So God got up and moved into the neighborhood, wrapped up in humility. A baby, born to be sacrificed because of the extreme love of the Father, to rescue us. God started this process in the beginning. The video below recounts a handful of the times God told us He was sending Jesus. Let's listen...
I don't know about you, but it is so encouraging to me to know that God knows just where I am at, all my weaknesses and insecurities. All my fret about the future. And He moved into my neighborhood, via the ultimate gift that kicked off this Christmas thing, Jesus.
God planned it out, in advance. Now is the time for us to look up and let Him build faith within us.