Saturday, October 29, 2011

i want to Thrive, not just survive

The truth is that life here on the earth can be, often is...hard.

God knows.  He sees.

More importantly, He has compassion.  His compassion isn't like mine or yours.  It has enough power to do anything.

Like bring people back from the dead.  He did that first with Jesus.

And He is able, willing and ready to bring the Risen life of Jesus to bear on anyone who puts their trust in Him.

Why is that important?  Because we don't just want to try to make it through a day, hoping that, somehow, it will be enough.  That tomorrow will be better.  That it will all just work out.

Pipe dreams about a better tomorrow, while battling (losing the battle) against giving up real hope today, and medicating the pain, they don't bring a Thriving life.

I know that on my own, I'm not alright.  I needed a rescue to bring me back from my soul death.  And today, I need to walk out this new life that Jesus brings.

I want to Thrive, not just survive.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Jesus is For You

 I had an awesome conversation yesterday with a young professional woman at a weekly coffee gathering for local professionals.  She told me about some of her experiences with church - good and disappointing.  She has been divorced, and tasted both the loving embrace of Jesus through His church, and a distancing, unaccepting version.  

She told me how she didn't think our lead message should be that we are against things.  The reason she intuitively felt this is that when we lead with what we are against, the real message, which is that God is coming to them, making a way for rescue, in Jesus, never gets to their hearts.

Right On!  God took the first step, He sent in His Rescue Missionary, Jesus, when we were very much opposed to God's authority and claim over our lives.  He sent in the most positive - Jesus - without us doing one thing to deserve it.  

People need to see that God is For Them.  That He has already moved toward them.

God is For You!
Love, paul

Friday, October 14, 2011

Man Church (Not at Steller Beans this Sunday)

This weekend is our 2nd Edition of Man Church - the dudes are making our way to a camp at Toledo Bend...Oh Yeah!  Want to get away?

The Ladies will be having some Lady Church here in theLC, but NOT AT STELLAR BEANS - it will be at April's house, 5717 Hemlock St.  

We'll report back about how the use of hatchets, eating much meat, and such impacted us when we return.  

Rock On.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

How do you know it's working?

 My children are learning more and more how to cook.  My awesome wife cooks great, especially baking!  She's been adding new things to our repertoire, gathering encouragement and ideas from  As our girls get more active in cooking by themselves, there are some learning spots along the way.  

A couple of nights ago while baking some drop biscuits, there was something not quite right.  The biscuits looked ok, but the taste was off.  My brain was expecting biscuit, but there was a bitter or otherwise unusual flavor.  Turns out, they used baking soda rather than baking powder.   

Leaning some things takes time.  And practice.

God is at work, and has a plan for every person on the planet.  He wants people to experience joy and freedom that comes through His love, which He expressed in Jesus.

And, like learning to bake, some things take time.

The picture above is a baptism we did on September 25 at the North Beach in Lake Charles.  Two awesome people were being baptized.  Then, as we were coming up back to the shore, another person asked if I had 1 more in me today.  This guy I've known for a long time.  I've seen God doing things to help him see Jesus.  In recent times, God has used the young leaders we are training at theCityChurch to help him see Jesus more clearly.  And the results will live forever.

Here is how a Lead Church Planter (the Apostle Paul) spoke about this,
For God says,“At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.” Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation.  2 Corinthians 2:6
Some things are not easy.  Most things, it seems.  So we need to seek perspective along the way, ask God for clarity, to see if we are going towards Him.  

This day was a reminder from God that He is at work.  

Welcome to theCityChurch, Lake Charles  
