I wanted all the City Church ladies to know about our "girl church" plans for tomorrow and also why we're doing something different this Sunday. Tomorrow we will meet at Sha-Sha's downtown at 11:30 to share a meal and some Jesus conversation. We won't be gathering like we usually do, but there is a reason for that.
I want us to be able to spend some time learning about how Jesus is working in each other's lives and encouraging one another. I think it will be easier to do that over a shared meal - and it's Biblical. Jesus taught His disciples over meals several times. And I think we'll have a better conversation over lunch. (No one will feel like she's in the spotlight this way!)
Let's spend some time talking about things we are thankful for, things God is teaching us (even those things we feel we're taking a long time to learn!), and those places in our lives where we need some prayer and encouragement.
I hope to see all our ladies there! And, if finances are an issue, let me know, and The City Church can pick up your tab.