Monday, January 31, 2011

Calling us to our lives depended on it

Jesus, right before He is arrested, turned His focus to Heaven, to His Father, and prayed.

He started the prayer with these words, "The Hour has come..."

I think we get several "the hour has come" moments in our lives.  For me, one of those is now.

So, I'm calling our start team for to pray.  For the next 30 days, we are to pray, every day, for theCity, for our city, for the Kingdom of God to happen here like it happens there.

Jesus' "Death Row Prayer" in John 17 is so beautiful, painting a vivid picture of the the mission and heart of the Father.  Jesus is on mission, and He did it with His Father, He says, and with His followers.  And He prays that we, those who follow after Him, would be One, just like He and the Father are One.  That way the world will know that God sent Jesus.  I'm just crazy enough to believe that Jesus wants to answer that prayer in our city in our day.

So, in line with Jesus' prayer, we are going to pray together every day for the next 30 days.  Text, call, Facebook Chat, in person, over coffee, on the way to work, smoke signals...  Be creative, be intentional, and be real.

The Hour Has come for theCityToBeDifferent because Jesus is Alive!

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