Wednesday, September 26, 2012

theCityChurch begins season to focus on serving the least...Day 1 of 90 Day Journey, 9-26-12 #cancelworshipservicesfor90days

SUNDAY GATHERING INFO: We will NOT meet at Stellar Beans on Sunday's, from September 30 till Christmas.  We WILL be meeting as a community on mission together to equip to serve others, including the least, or to go and serve.  Why the change? Well the video above and text below, and the last few posts will give you the picture.  THIS SUNDAY we are meeting at Paul's house from 10:45-Noon.  You are welcome to join in on the 90 Day Journey.  Need directions?  Call/text/email/tweet Paul, 337-794-9891,, @paulpettefer.  

How do you feel about adventure?  It's fun to watch on movies, but in real life, it can be scarry!

As a church, we recognized something in recent days: that we were fairly equipped to having worship gatherings, but were not nearly as equipped to serve others, especially the least of we are doing something to remedy the situation: From now until Christmas Day (90 days) let's focus all we do on learning, as a team, to be others oriented, that is, to learn to serve others, especially the least of these.

That means we have canceled our regular Sunday Worship Gatherings, and are spending our energies on learning to serve others.  For a pastor of a church, that, my friends, is a little scary!  We are using an incredible resource, the Barefoot Church Primer as our primary tool in walking us through the first part of this process.  It's a daily walk our whole church is doing together.  Oh, and the author of the book and the primer (a daily guide) is walking us through this with a daily blog (here is day 1, today,

Our journey using the Primer will have us gathering as a Missional Community on Day 5, which is Sunday Morning, and our first week is at Paul's house (email or text 794-9891 for directions).

Keep checking out theCityChurch's website at, or on for updates and to participate.

Join in with us anytime, or bring the 90 days to your church or group!

Because God's love is real...theCityShouldBeDifferent


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