Saturday, October 13, 2012

A prayer for foolishness... (Meeting at Paul's house tomorrow - you r welcome!)

"And may God bless you with the foolishness to think that you can make a difference in this world, so that you will do the things which others tell you cannot be done." A Franciscan Benediction

There are plenty who say, "the problems are too big, what do you really think you can do?"

I love that question! It forces us to realize we are dependent on God, who said He is able! Putting reliance on God is quite foolish to those who have averted their gaze from His incredible grace... So keep looking up; God has given us a sign of how He works. It's a cross where trust in God was complete and an empty tomb where God's triumph over sin, death, evil, brokenness are guaranteed for all who trust.

We are to be faithful, to lean into His willingness to bring His Kingdom more more into our world.

I believe God can use His followers here to change our city!

Tomorrow is week 3 on our #90dayjour ey. The Barefoot Primer is leading us to consider God's mercy this week. We will assemble our 50 mercy kits to share with the homeless tomorrow as we gather for equipping at Paul's house, 10:45 Sunday, October 14 (text paul 794-9891 for directions). We will share a meal from the grill and watch some Cowboy football from noon-3.

Love, paul


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