Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tell a Different Story

theCity has a gathering of our group as a Missional Community, currently on Wednesday evenings.  Text/call paul @ 794-9891 to meet with us.  #RockOn  #theCityShouldBeDifferent

Our goal is not to grow a church.  Nor to grow all the churches in our community.


Our goal is for the people who follow Jesus in our city to engage in a ground game of becoming good news to the people around them - bringing the values of the Kingdom Jesus came to usher into this world to bear wherever there sphere's of influence are.  And to connect our sphere's of influence with needs in our community, bringing the Kingdom's values with us.

For example, it's an affront to the values of the Kingdom that Jesus is King over for women and children to live in fear of violence from the man in their life.  The Oasis Battered Women's Shelter is a place for such to find a safe place to rebuild, restart.  They are doing valuable, Kingdom work - so let the people who follow Jesus bring our lives in to partner and support this good work.  (There are other examples - we will keep sharing them, so stay tuned.)

When we serve others without strings, we will be given a place of honor in people's hearts we will get a wonderful opportunity, one you couldn't get from other means, to tell why we are doing this - it's because I follow Jesus and Jesus cares about people.

When the people who follow Jesus here are living out this engaged, missional, life, the church will grow and theCityWillBeDifferent.

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