Saturday, March 23, 2013

Love Is Alive in Lake Charles: Good Friday at Sunlight Manor - When the Good News of Jesus intersects the bad news of culture failure

GOOD FRIDAY UPDATE:  Today was GREAT!  We are so proud of theChurchAtLakeCharles, with over 20 churches and business collaborating to host a day of joy for children, remembrance and compassion for the families who lost 3 sons last week, and a day of life-on engagement where caring adults spent time with young people.  THANK YOU to those who contributed to the effort with your time and resources.

If you are interested in being a Mentor, or are looking for a Mentor, we will be posting some specific phone numbers of the 1st New Life Baptist Church's mentoring group shortly.  Until then, you can call/text/email Paul Pettefer, 337-794-9891, and we will get you connected to them.

Because #JesusIsAlive, then from #Goosport2Graywood #theCityShouldBeDifferent

Where tragedy and destruction had their moment, the people who follow Jesus want to have something beautiful rise up out of the ashes, like young men and boys developing mentoring relationships. So on Good Friday, March 29, 2013, at the site of the 3 murders just two days ago, a group of ministers and friends will be hosting #GoodFridayntheLC. Be there and begin your lifestyle of engagement.

The primary actionable goal at the end of this day is to connect boys and young men who come with Jesus-following mentors.

From Goosport to Graywood, theCityShouldBeDifferent

If you want in, just contact us, paul @ 794-9891,

Why we should be doing this (recorded 2 days before the Sunlight Manor killings):

Flyer for Good Friday at Sunlight Manor (feel free to share!):

News and Images on the 3 killings:
The night of the 3 killings, March 20, 2013, Sunlight Manor

Suspect is arrested.  How tragic for the victims, and for him.

The families all grieve. Such horrible loss. We pray for them.
And we take steps to bring God's love to the city.
The 3 photo's above are from

Stories from

Here are the stories from

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