I don't remember exactly how it started. Well, I suppose I do. It started with God, who is rich in mercy, who made me alive, together with Jesus! (Eph 2:6)
While I don't remember the first time this phrase made it's way into our group's vocabulary, I do remember what I was thinking when it happened. I was thinking that I didn't want anyone who was observing me or our group to be confused about who we were talking about. Our God became flesh, you see, and He made His presence visible among us (John 1:14).
His name is Jesus!
I heard Heather Mercer speaking about her experience, being kidnapped by the Taliban shortly before 911. She and a friend were there serving the poorest of the poor, and sharing Jesus with people along the way, as they were welcomed to do so by those they were serving. She spoke the name of Jesus throughout her testimony, and spoke about how His name changed things while she was serving the suffering in Afghanistan.
Jesus. She kept using His name. Yes! was the cry in my soul: Jesus!
Such was born "Go Jesus!"
So, what does that mean?
Names have meaning, of course, and Jesus' name encapsulates all the power, revelation, love, justice, mercy, duty, belonging, life, identification, suffering, empowerment and exclusivity of the Gospel. The resurrection of the Dead - that's in His name, for He rose, and those who have trusted in Him are risen as well! "Because I live, you also will live." (John 14:19) When I say, "Go Jesus", it's an admonition to pursue all of life, including the thing we just talked about, whatever it was, because you are alive in Jesus! Or, it's an encouragement, a faith-speaking word, that we will go and be and do whatever the issue of the moment that we are dealing with is, because of Jesus and in His name!
Go Jesus is sort of a lifestyle of all-in discipleship. All-in passion to pursue God in all of life, when it's easy and when it's tough. When I feel like it and when I don't. And it's a rallying cry when we have experienced Him and want to share a praise to God! It's belonging to Jesus out of an truth-telling that we are His, because of a blood-stained cross, where my sins were paid for, and an empty tomb, where death was done away with because Jesus is Alive!
Today, I desire to Go Jesus!
Love, paul
GO JESUS!!!!!!!!!!